Upcoming Events

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ALMA Cycle 10 Proposal Preparation Events

  • Wed April 12, 10:00h: Fika + discussion and reflections on writing and reviewing ALMA proposals and receiving reviewers' feedback [in-person event at Chalmers]
  • Thu April 13, 10:00 - 17:00 Proposal Preparation 1 - Observing Plan: In this first session, we will focus on your ideas for new ALMA observations, their feasibility, their technical justification, duplication checks, etc. [register; in-person eventat Chalmers]
  • Mon April 17, 11:00 : European ARC Network Community Assembly [Meeting link]
  • Thu April 20, 10:00 - 17:00  Proposal Preparation 2 - Proposal Writing: This second session will be a workshop dedicated to writing the scientific justification of your proposals. We will discuss writing techniques, knowing your audience, review, etc. [register; in person at Chalmers] 

ALMA Summer event at the Onsala Space Observatory, May 24, 2023

It has been almost a year since we had the First One-day ALMA Summer Event at the Onsala Space Observatory. Now we are inviting our user community to the Second Event that will be held on May 24, 2023. Save the date and register here!

Similarly to thelast year, the main purpose of this event is to bring all ALMA enthusiasts together to discuss about the telescope's future, upgrades, improvements, projects, etc., while having fun and celebrating that the Swedish summer has finally arrived. Everyone interested in doing science with ALMA is welcome. We expect to strengthen the collaboration among the members of the local network of ALMA users, as well as to reach out students and postdocs at AoP and GARD. 

This year we will again offer Swedish Fika and BBQ lunch (weather allowing). We will also do some fun activity to build up an atmosphere that allow us to know better your science interests and put forward your ideas into the development plans of the observatory. The afternoon program will include the Chalmers Astrophysics Colloquium. In addition, a tour to the telescopes at OSO will be organised for those interested. The program will be friendly and flexible, so please consider joining us even if it is for only one part of the whole program. 

In order to provide the best experience for you, please register your attendance. The information will help us to prepare logistics, including food preferences and transportation from Johanneberg.

We welcome you to the beautiful Onsala Space Observatory, bring your ideas, and let's enjoy an informal discussion in a relaxed atmosphere!