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JWST/ALMA Joint proposal workshop
Here you can find detailed information, presentation documents, and discussion summary related to the JWST/ALMA Joint proposal workshop organized at Chalmers on 2024, Dec 5-6.
The guide was compiled by Thiebaut Schirmer, with contributions from Karl Gordon and the ALMA Nordic Node.
ALMA Cycle 11 Proposal Preparation Events
- Thu February 21, 9:00h CET: Proposal Preparation 1 Introduction to ALMA & interferometry
- Fri March 22, 10:00-16:00h CET: Proposal Preparation 1 - Proposal Writing: This second session will be a workshop dedicated to writing the scientific justification of your proposals. We will discuss writing techniques, knowing your audience, review, etc. After that, there will be time to work on proposals [register; in person at Chalmers]
- Thu April 4, 10:00~16:00h CET: Proposal Preparation 2 - Observing Plan: In this first session, we will focus on your ideas for new ALMA observations, their feasibility, their technical justification, duplication checks, etc. [register; in-person eventat Chalmers]
ALMA Summer event at the Onsala Space Observatory, June 5, 2024
Like in past years, the Nordic ARC node is organizing the Nordic ALMA Day at Onsala for our user community. Save the date for June 5! We will host an ALMA Day with a special colloquium, science highlights and updates on the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade. We will provide food, transportation and much more! Help us preparing the event by registering below:
Nordic ALMA Day - registration
We look forward to sharing the day with all of you.