Did you know that ALMA in Cycle 5 can ... ?

... observe in ALMA Band 5, i.e. between 157 GHz to 212 Ghz!

This means that for the first time essentially the entire frequency range from 84 GHz to 950 GHz can be observed with one telescope!

This unique capability will allow you to observe

  • the H2O and SiO masers in the circumstellar envelopes around evolved stars simultaneously, probing the physical conditions in different parts of the envelopes. 
  • Imaging of regions emitting the H2O mega maser. See for example the science verification observations in Band 5 of Arp 220 here.

... observe with the Atacama Compact Array in independent, stand-alone mode!

This means that you can apply for time on the ACA as a fully equipped, independently functioning interferometer, offering you the excellent atmospheric conditions of the Chajnantor site, access to the Southern sky, and the full spectral capabilities of the ALMA main array for projects that do not require the largest baselines!

This unique capability will allow you to observe

  • surveys of a large number of galaxies to determine accurate redshifts by observing the CO latter throughout the entire frequecny range.
  • Map the molecular and continuum emission from evolved stars and star forming region in large samples of sources, efficiently covering a large number of spectral lines at high velocity resolution. 

... observe full line polarisation in bands 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 on the 12m-array!

This means that in addition to continuum polarisation, you will now be able to measure polarisation at the full spectral resolution in these bands.

This new capability will allow you to observe

  • the magnetic fields in star forming regions and circumstellar envelopes around evolved stars. 


... offer baselines up to 16 km for bands 3, 4, and 6, up to 8,5 km for band 7, and up to 3.6 km for bands 8, 9, and 10!

This means that in band 3 you will be able to achieve a maximum resolution of approx. 0.05 arcsec, and in band 10 approx. 0.03 arcsec!

This unique capability will allow you to observe

  • the molecular and continuum emission from any object at comparable spatial resolution to optical and NIR telescopes, over the entire frequency range from band 3 to band 10. See for example the science verification data of VT CMa in bands 7 and 9 here.
  • the resolved stellar disks of nearby evolved stars, possibly revealing hotspots, convective cells, and the inner dynamics and dust formation of the circumstellar envelopes.
  • Image molecular gas down to GMC scales in lensed galaxies (high-z).
  • Build the bridge between the Milky Way and external galaxies:  Image molecular gas of nearby galaxies down to sub-pc resolution and direct comparison to the gas properties in the MW.